a r c h i t e c t u r e | p l a n n i n g | i n t e r i o r s
Partial Client List
Avon Products
Caspi Development
J.P. Morgan Chase
Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
Cravath, Swaine & Moore
The Dannon Company
Gabelli & Co.
Gateside Corporation
Heyman Properties
IBM Corporation
Lashins Real Estate
Lowes Corp.
MasterCard Worldwide
Millennium Partners
New York Stock Exchange
Oppenheimer Funds
Alfred Weissman Real Estate
Westport Capital Partners
The Winter Organization
Institutional and Religious
Dialysis Clinic, Inc.
Spectra Laboratories
St. Barnabas Hospital
Westchester Artificial Kidney Center
White Plains Hospital
The Clearview School
Lavelle School for the Blind
The Hungarian Heritage Center
Westchester Association for Retarded Children
First Baptist Church of White Plains
The Church of the Nazarene-Westchester Chapel
The Hebrew Institute
Temple Kol Ami
Unitarian Church of Westport
The Daten Group
DeLaurentis Management
Gateside Corporation
Halpern Real Estate Ventures
Lighthouse Enterprises
Palladium Management
Rosen Development